104 BC Triumph of Marius for the defeat of Jugurtha and conquest of Numidia
86BC Celebrating the start of his seventh consulship, Gaius Marius has Senator Sex. Licinius hurled from the Tarpeian Rock
46BC Caesar captures Leptis, in Africa
45BC The Julian Calendar goes into force in Rome
7 Triumph of Tiberius for the defeat of the Germans
69 Aulus Vitellius is proclaimed Emperor by the Rhine legions
193 Publius Helvius Pertinax is proclaimed Roman Emperor (Jan 1-Mar 28, 193)
403 Triumph of the Emperor Flavius Honorius (age 18) for Stilicho's defeat of the Visigoths
404 Last recorded gladiatorial fights at Rome, interrupted by the monk Telamachus
414 Galla Placida, sister of Roman Emperor Honorius, marries King Athaulf of the Franks
417 Galla Placida, sister of Roman Emperor Honorius, marries her brother's magister militum Flavius Constantius (Emperor Constantius III, March-September 421)
633 Battle of Meicen: King Edwin of Northumbria defeats King Cadwallon of Cwynedd
1136 Battle of Swansea: Welsh defeat Anglo-Norman colonists
1158 Battle of Galloway: Roland defeats Gilpatrick
1189 Saladin abandons the siege of Tyre
1515 Francis I de Valois becomes King of France (1515-1547) and proves to be a slow learner and no gentleman
1515 Jews are expelled from Laibach, Austria
1527 Duke Ferdinand of Austria is elected King of Croatia, merging the Croatian throne into the Hapsburg monarchy until 1918
1535 Persians capture Tabriz
1586 Sir Francis Drake attacks Santo Domingo
1602 Battle of Kinsale: Hugh O'Neil is defeated by the English
1651 Coronation of King Charles II of England as King of Scotland, at Scone
1660 General Monk marches from Coldstream to install Charles II as king in London
1660 Samuel Pepys begins keeping a diary
1738 Wreck of the Dutch Slaver 'Leusden': The crew abandons ship in a storm off Suriname and survives, but 664 kidnapped Africans drown -- the worst known loss of life at sea in the slave trade
1776 Britsh seaborne raiders torch Norfolk, Virginia
1806 Napoleon abolishes the French Revolutionary calendar, introduced in 1793
1846 Yucatan declares independence from Mexico
1849 Triumphal reception at West Point for Bvt Lt Gen Winfield Scott, newly returned from Mexico
1860 Battle of Castillejos: Spanish defeat the Moroccans.
1861 On orders of Winfield Scott, Charles P. Stone begins organizing an anti-secessionist militia in Washington
1862 Battle of Ft McRee, FL
1863 Battle of Galveston, Texas: Confederates recapture the city
1863 Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect
1869 Brazilian & Allied forces capture Asuncion, Paraguay
1877 Queen Victoria proclaimed "Empress of India"
1892 Ellis Island opens; Irish-born Annie Moore is the first of over 12 million immigrants to arrive in America there
1906 Count Alfred von Schlieffen retires, leaving a disastrous plan
1911 Maj Jimmie Erickson takes the first aerial photograph, San Diego
1912 Sun Yat-sen forms the Chinese Republic
1915 The first known act of German sabotage in the U.S.: The John A. Roebling Munitions Plant in Trenton is destroyed by fire
1920 Red Scare "Great Raid" - c. 1,000 "radicals" arrested in 33 US cities
1920 The League of Nations convenes for the first time
1935 Mustafa Kemal Pasha adopts the name "Ataturk - Father of the Turks"
1937 Anastasio Somoza becomes President/Dictator of Nicaragua (1937-1947, 1950-1956), assassinated
1937 US Army Air Corps physiological research laboratory completed, Ohio
1942 Japanese temporarily halted in Malaya.
1942 Philippine Army covers final withdrawal of South Luzon Force into Bataan
1943 Guadalcanal: Americal Div resumes its assault on Mt. Austen.
1944 Oran, Algeria: Army defeats Navy 10-7 in the "Arab Bowl"
1944 Western New Britain: Allies overcome last Japanese resistance
1946 Emperor Hirohito of Japan announces he is not a god
1950 First woman doctor commissioned in the USN, Mary T. Sproul
1950 Indo-China: Viet Minh open a major offensive against the French
1951 Massive Chinese/North Korean assault on UN-lines
1959 Triumphal entry of Fidel Castro into Havana as Fulgencio Batista flees